Day 1, May 1, 2021
The Inaugural session of this 7-Day workshop initiated with the felicitation of the keynote speaker Professor Dr. Madan Mohan Goel.
Dr. Madan Mohan Goel, a former Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara, (Bihar), is also a noted Nedonomist from Kurukshetra, Haryana. Presently, he is among board of governors of the Academy of Grassroot Studies and Research of India.
The first day of the workshop was hosted by Mrs. Anupam Sabharwal, Member Internal Quality Assurance Cell. The event started with a prayer to Almighty, by Mrs. Paramjeet Kaur, Head, Department of Music and Mr. Sunil Kumar, Tabla Player, to keep world free from all sorrows and pains. Thereafter, a warm welcome was extended by Dr Kulwinder Kaur, Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell followed by a detailed account of achievements of keynote speaker.

Professor Dr. MM Goel addressed the audience on ‘perceptions on quality in Indian higher education’ and emphasized on honest efforts to ensure holistic development of the human resources required for Indian economy. He explained all the seven quality indicators of NAAC and suggested that one has to develop the power of observation by stressing on what to be done and what not, why, when, where and where not. He also advised all to take baby but significant steps for preparing for accreditation and that too by working without worries.
An exalting demonstration was also presented by Dr. MM Goel on the qualitative parameters of performance as per NAAC requirement seventh criteria, New Education Policy 2020, various innovative techniques to convert weakness into uniqueness and to find out the role in the society for which we have to conduct extension services through National Service Scheme.
In nutshell, he focused his talk on the need of;
Improvement of Communication Skills.
Getting feedback from all stakeholders.
Development of educational ecosystem with policy of implication-oriented research.
Usage of artificial intelligence for assessing SSR.
Smart governance
Later, he answered to the queries raised by participants. The informative inaugural session of the workshop ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Madam Principal Dr. Archna Garg. The event was aired live on Facebook page and YouTube channel of college.
Day 2, May 3, 2021
On the second day, Dr. B. Anirudhan, Principal, Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) put light on the scope of scoring good score in Curricular Aspects for affiliated colleges, in SSR.
Dr. B. Anirudhan has 28 years of experience in teaching, Research and Administration, and he has been the part of various conferences, seminars and workshops at National and International levels. He has many awards in his credentials like, Best Principal award, Rajiv Gandhi Education Excellence Award, Indy wood, Educational Excellence, Award, Shri P K Das Life Time Achievement Award and many more.
Mrs. Anupam Sabharwal started the session which was later initiated by offering an auspicious prayer to the almighty to heel the world from the pandemic and revive courage in everyone to sail through the turmoil of tough times. Coordinator, IQAC, Dr. Kulwinder Kaur, read out the detailed profile of Dr. B. Anirudhan.

Dr. Anirudhan shared his lofty thoughts on Criteria-1: Curricular Aspects and he highlighted the scoring scheme of this criteria. He put forward different suggestions for the affiliated colleges to score maximum marks from this criterion. He focused on, Outcome-based Education and also emphasized on the qualitative metrics, and quantitative metrics which are the new inclusions into the NAAC framework.
He proposed different methods how to present information in SSR and also suggested, to devote full time in writing it effectively. Dr. B. Anirudhan also explained the methods of calculating the institutional CGPA which is based on the scores obtained from the three sources i.e., qualitative metrics, quantitative metrics and SSS.
He further said emphatically, that the Criteria 1– Curricular Aspects has five key indicators that are,
Curricular design and development
Curricular Planning and Implementation
Academic flexibility
Curriculum Enrichment
Feedback System
Out of which four are applicable to the affiliated colleges, as curricular designing is not under the scope of affiliated college.
Later, he answered to the queries raised by participants. The informative session of the workshop ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Madam Principal Dr. Archna Garg. She felt indebted to everyone who participated in the webinar for exchanging their thoughts to make it constructive and fruitful. The event was aired live on Facebook page and YouTube channel of college.
Day 3, May 4, 2021
The third day of workshop witnessed an insightful talk by Prof. Ujjwal K. Choudhury Pro-Vice Chancellor, ADMAS University, Kolkata (West Bengal) on Teaching, Learning & Evaluation, an important criterion of SSR.
Dr. Kulwinder Kaur, coordinator, Internal quality Assurance Cell formally welcomed the resource person Prof. Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, presently, Pro-Vice Chancellor and a former Dean of Media and Design Faculty, Symbiosis International University, International School of Communication, Film City Mumbai, followed by wide range of professional achievements and extraordinary contributions to academics and overall education.
Compeering the webinar, Ms. Anupam Sabharwal, started the session which was later initiated by a prayer, the only mean to connect with God.

Prof Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, in his lecture, dwelled on different aspects relating to Teaching, Learning and Evaluation. He stressed all to focus on Learning Outcomes, Performance of Students and Mentoring System. Further, he suggested all to work on adopting different teaching pedagogies to improve the performance of learners during this pandemic.
In the changed scenario, the days of traditional classes are over. In future, teaching will be in blended mode and everyone has to learn digital techniques to get recognition as teacher, said Prof. Chowdhury adding that, new concept will be from structural to organic learning.
Another aspect given by Prof. Ujjwal was that in this digital era, Teacher-Student model is replaced by mentor learner model. In addition to it, he threw light upon the type of content to be taught. He said that it should be a combination of own proprietary learning resource and aggregated learning resource. According to him we should combine both and put them up on learning management system.
He appealed all to use novel ways in teaching like Flipped classrooms, synchronized online and offline learning, giving analytical tests, Google poll in order to inculcate emotional intelligence approach among students. He also stressed that various alumni should be invited to the institution to throw light upon their career development.
Later, he answered to the queries raised by participants. The informative session of the workshop ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Madam Principal Dr. Archana Garg. She expressed her heartfelt gratitude to worthy resource person for his intellectual and eye-opening session, she felt indebted to Prof. Ujjwal K. Chowdhury for sharing the importance of different teaching pedagogies that we can adopt these days while conducting online classes during pandemic.
The session was aired live on Facebook page and YouTube channel of college.
Day 4, May 5, 2021
The fourth day of workshop witnessed an insightful talk by Dr. B. S. Virk, Principal, MR Government College, Fazilka (Punjab) on SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis, an important factor for assessment for educational institutes.
Dr. Kulwinder Kaur, coordinator, Internal quality Assurance Cell formally welcomed the resource person Principal Dr. B.S. Virk and apprised everyone with the professional achievements and account of his extraordinary contributions to the field of education.
Compeering the webinar, Ms. Anupam Sabharwal, started the session which was later initiated by a prayer, the only mean to connect with God.

Thereafter Professor B.S. Virk commenced his topic SWOT analysis with a moral story by which he realized the audience, how they can transform their weaknesses into strengths by sharing each other's strength or with team work. He focused on this point that in this universe everybody, whether an individual, an institution or any country have strengths and weaknesses. He gave the example of developed economy of Japan that has inspired many countries with its one strength i.e., committed and dedicated human resource. It has become one among the top six economies of the world.
Prof. Virk has illuminated that strengths and weaknesses are internal and under control and opportunities and threats are external and out of control. He discussed various points of SWOT, one by one, its aims, need, how to conduct it, benefits, tips for exercise of SWOT analysis. He highlighted that this technique can be used as a planning tool to grow and to solve the problems and to look at the things in a different tempo.
Prof. Virk suggested some Dos and Don’ts for making a compatible, friendly environment in an Educational Institution. He guided the audience by telling them not to get confined to the limited resources but also think out of the box. He concluded his talk, with the words that before challenges we have to go ahead with a positive mind.
Later, the keynote speaker responded to the questions from the participants very convincingly. The session of the workshop ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Madam Principal Dr. Archana Garg.
She expressed her deepest gratitude towards renowned resource person for radiating this session with his enlightenment of learning and filled the ambience with his positive energy. She praised our worthy speaker, Dr. B.S. Virk by telling him that the knowledge which all participants have gained would be helpful to them. She advised that don’t hide your weaknesses and under estimate your strengths rather put these on radar.
The session was aired live on Facebook page and YouTube channel of college.
Day 6, May 7, 2021
On the sixth day of workshop, Prof. Dr. Yogender Verma, Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean, School of Business and Management Studies, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharmshala, presented the importance of Institutional Values and Best Practices, an important area of Self Study Report.
It was followed by an invocation to God for global health and peace in this pandemic scenario by department of Music with our Alumnae.
Dr. Kulwinder Kaur, Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell formally welcomed the Resource Person, (Dr.) Yoginder Verma and highlighted his achievements.
Starting his address, worthy speaker explained that although this criterion carries only 100 weightages out of 1000 points i.e only 10% but this 10% counts much more than 90%. He quoted Alvin Toffler- the illiterate of this century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.

He focused on the point that it is only education which differentiate human beings from animals. Professor Verma laid stress on the point that quality is a very tricky subject. It cannot be judged by quantitative parameters.
According to him, institutional values flow from the vision of promoters and governance. To support his opinion, he referred to Dr. Abdul Kalam's viewpoint that the purpose of education is to enlighten the citizens as only wise people contribute to nation building.
Prof. Verma said that institutions should use different strategies to manage all types of wastes. There should be Solid and liquid waste management, Biomedical waste management, Waste recycling system. Students should be encouraged to follow these practices at their homes also, after leaving the campus.
He also pointed out that need of water conservation for any institution. According to him, Green campus doesn’t mean to have green grass or plants only. Further he said that the institution should have disabled-friendly and barrier free environment. This can be achieved by Building ramps for disabled and disabled-friendly washrooms etc.
Later on, participants raised their queries regarding criteria 7 and the resource person answered them convincingly.
The webinar was concluded with a vote of thanks by Madam Principal Dr. Archna Garg. She expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the worthy resource person Prof. Yoginder Verma for his intellectual and eye-opening session.
Er. Inderjit Bal compered the whole webinar which was attended by over 200 participants and was aired live on Facebook page and YouTube channel of college.
Day 7, May 8, 2021
Last day of the workshop was addressed by College Principal, Dr. Archna Garg, as resource person. She explained the need and importance of Effective Support Services in the college. Er. Inderjeet Bal started the session which was later initiated by offering an auspicious prayer to the almighty to heel the world from the pandemic.
Dr. Archna Garg, said that all colleges are required to setup effective support services and systems for benefits of students. “These are the real backbone of colleges and if maintained and documented effectively, can attract more students as well as good score from ranking agencies,” she said.
In her address, Dr. Garg suggested the colleges to make their services related systems more transparent and accessible through portals. If done so, students can be benefitted in large numbers from these services, she said adding that, “every college should have proper track of all those who have been educated from the college. Constant touch with them can help effective and beneficial contribution from alumni for working and finance of college.”

Dr. Garg also gave tips on different key points relating to Criteria-5 of the Self Study Report to be submitted by colleges to NAAC for accreditation.
She elaborated that we should not only focus on our college students but also the alumni of the college. When student steps into the society, what type of behavior the student has, is also very important which becomes the reflection of the institution.
Thereafter she focused on 2 key points: Mentoring & support and students’ participation in college activities. She said that for mentoring and support, teachers should act as mentors because between student and teacher there is a role of mentor and mentee.
Further she said that every college should have Career Guidance cell, Placement cell, Grievance Redressal cell with proper record of every cell related activities and the same should be prepared as per the NAAC guidelines so that no college faces any problem during preparation of SSR.
Every teacher should have rigorous exercise to answer the questions as we are going through crucial phase of covid-19 when students are not physically present in college.
While concluding, she said that, in her personal view, teachers play an important role in the classroom, especially at the college level. There will be no replacement for the human interaction for students. They act as a role model for students. With the blend of technology, how this interaction takes place, only this aspect will change.
The informative workshop culminated with the vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Kulwinder Kaur, Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell.