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Visit to Axis Bank, Kapurthala
The Banking Institution is an integral part of life, so to impart practical knowledge about banks 15 students of B.Sc (Economics) visited Axis Bank Kapurthala on 10 February 2020 under the command of Ms. Anupam Sabharwal head Dept. of Economics and Ms. Ashu Aggarwal. Mr. Winkle Malhotra the manager of Axis Bank facilitated the visit. Ms. Manjeet an Employee of Axis Bank apprised the students about the working of a bank that is divided into many different departments which collectively handle the affairs of the bank. These departments have been provided with specific counters of windows. Like
• Account opening counter
• Cheques counter
• Withdrawal counter
• Locker
• Fixed Deposit
• Recurring Deposit
She also enlightened the Students about the functioning of these counters and how to operate ATMs, Passbooks etc.
Students learnt about the functioning of the bank.
No.of beneficiaries:-15
Motive:- To provide practical hand on experience of the real working of the bank.
Outcome:- Students were enlightened about the functioning of the bank counters, how to operate ATMs, Passbook and how to deposit and withdraw from Bank. It provided them with experiential learning.
Department of Economics
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