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Handwriting Competition

Bhasha Manch of the college arranged a Handwriting Competition for the students in which students showcased their creativity in the Punjabi handwriting in a specific manner and time period. Their flair of handwriting was adjudged by the judges, winners were appreciated by awarding the certificates for their ingenuity.

Outcome: Bhasha Manch provided a golden opportunity to the students for exhibiting their proficiency and artistry in the Punjabi handwriting by using traditional reed pen and Inkpot. The event not only encouraged the healthy competitive spirit among the participants but also motivated them to improve their handwriting skills in Punjabi and oriented their energy and interest towards promoting their language and its unique handwriting skills.

Beneficiaries : 37




Bhasha Manch

Resource Person:

Image by Milad Fakurian

Image by Milad Fakurian
Image by NordWood Themes
Image by NordWood Themes
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