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Mrs. Rajni Bector
Cremica Group of Industries
If you want success in life, then maintain your passion to win and keep your intentions clear. Move towards your goal with enthusiasm. This will automatically open the way for you and success will kiss your feet. There is no shortcut to the success. One should keep on doing hard work with persistence and sincerity.
- Mrs. Rajni Bector, Founder, Cremica Group of Industries.
Chief Guest on World Entrepreneurship Day Celebrations
Organised by college on 28-08-2024

Message by Alumnae

Isha Behl
Within the walls of HKCollege, we not only gain academic knowledge but also learn valuable life skills such as time management, critical thinking, and teamwork. Our college environment encourages self-discovery, pushing individuals to explore their passions and interests. It becomes a hub for cultural exchange, where diverse perspectives contribute to a rich tapestry of learning. The supportive community and guidance from mentors further enhance the HKC experience, creating a nurturing space for personal and professional development. In essence, college is a crucible for growth, preparing individuals for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
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